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Since 1990, The Dialated World Age because of GAGUT Gij,j=0, which means no need for any suffering.

  CAN YOU FEEL IT?      THE GAGUT UNIFIED UNIVERSE! PARTNERING WITH OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  IS THE WAY TO GO! GET YOUR COPY OF THE GAGUT BOOKS, ORDER NOW, CALL 1-631-242-3069, YOU CAN DO LAYAWAY, ASK HOW WHEN YOU CALL.  GET THEM FOR YOUR FAMILY OR BUSINESS TODAY. REGISTER TO GET BRIEFED ON GAGUT Gij,j=0.   CALL NOW! GAGUT CHANGES THE WORLD, BRIEFING ON JUNE 7, 2019 Click the above link at 1:30:38 to hear the GOD ORDER on how GOD has wiped out all hunger, sickness and death through the revelation called GAGUT Gij,j=0 revealed to a black man, Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo in 1990.  Praise GOD.  Reality evolved to this point, did anyone have a choice? Now in the Age Of Intelligence, we welcome it gracefully, to experience the bliss of it, we go with the GOD ORDER. The baton of mathematical excellence was passed on to OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY in 2005, the 2005 Gauss Year celebration listed above is the documented proof of it to the entire world.  Every mathematical work of the hig
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WHY ALL EYES ON GAGUT G2j solution to the Riemann Hypothesis. Take collections, give donations, share information and Register today for GAGUT Lifesaver and Riemann Hypothesis Briefing, Sunday, all day. Call 1-631-242-3069 now. AFRICAN INTERNATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ACADEMIC AWARD as seen in the linked video above is what you are funding, the budget begins research/production, creating jobs and products that provide for the heaven state of existence age living, and awaits all to collectively unify as humanity. It doesn't take a lot from us, just a lot of us doing a little, so each one teach many, reach many.


The children sing with a joyful voice. Thank you for having the privilege and opportunity to listen to this GOD ORDER called GAGUT which is incorporated in this music. FORMULA'S HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED, Call now 1-631-242-3069.  GAGUT Online briefings, REGISTER TODAY. A GOD ORDER.  LOVE LIFE, Vote your choice, instruction inside the video, hit "more" to see and invest in Gij,j=0  heaven now. Vote, celebrate, invest. Heaven on Earth, call Gij,j=0 and let them hear you vote, your investment will show others you LOVE LIFE .    For more information about this video call me at 631 242 3069 and ask for Henry Gross.   COMMENTS RE: black supremacy is coomin - ON REDDIT   (click link)   FORMULA'S HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED, Call now 1-631-242-3069. CLICK LINK TO READ: SMITHSONIAN NMAAHC LAUNCHES NEW ONLINE EXHIBITION DEDICATED TO BLACK JESUS by BOTWC Staff The Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture ( NMAAHC) has announced a new online exhibition titled


  Hello, this is John Glover. I would like to thank you for having the privilege and opportunity to listen to this  GOD ORDER  called  GAGUT  which is incorporated in the following music. Call 1-631-242-3069 to get link to join in and invite others. It is confirming the possibility of our goal to make this song #1 on every music chart globally, because GOD has ordered us through GAGUT clearly to do that since GOD has blessed humanity with the biggest upliftment through GAGUT which is being conveyed by this music. This is because the term that defines our problems for 2500 years which GOD has busted is inferiority complex (instead of superiority complex) fraudulently designed by Jim Crow to reverse/invert our own reality that GOD created us with by ordaining us to be the ultimate species infallibly (180 degrees out of phase it's like walking on your head instead of your feet). James Brown called this King Heroine and Jim Crow called this 3/5. The first proof of the Black Community u


  CAN YOU SOLVE IT, (click to read more )  The complexity of this problem shows clearly the infiniteness of Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo's intelligence.  A CALL TO LEADERSHIP.   GAGUT SAYS - PRAISE GOD, YES WE CAN   2024 UNITED STATES SENATE ELECTIONS: 33 of 100 SEATS UP FOR REGULAR ELECTIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ELECTIONS:  ALL 435 SEATS UP FOR ELECTION It's the Theory Of Everything Family and friends,   A CALL TO LEADERSHIP.      Registration for the briefing on GAGUT Gij,j=0 begins by calling  NOW at 1-631-242-3069. Come one, come all, start leadership training and get understanding of longevity and overdue therapy. UNIFIED FIELD - KRS One     (Tribute to Reality) CAN YOU HEAR THE CALL? - THE GAGUT Gij,j=0 CALL TO LEADERSHIP.  Training, Longevity and Therapy WHAT PROF. G.A. OYIBO HAS DONE IN TERMS OF CREATING THE SPACE FOR PEACE AND NEW DISCOVERIES IN THE WORLD .   (click link to see video) (click link to see)  2024 United State Senate Elections 2024 UNITED STATES SENATE ELECT


  FORMULA'S HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED, Call now 1-631-242-3069..        GOLD TREATY (BETWEEN NON-AFRI CAN & AFRICAN)  pt. 1  and   GOLD TREATY (BETWEEN NON-AFRICAN & AFRICAN)  pt. 2, click highlight link to see video. GAGUTIUM 117 ELEMENT "The richest human being ever, Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo", GOD ORDAINED PROF. GABRIEL A. OYIBO WITH IQ EQUAL INFINITY, REPRESENTED BY eta sub n equals g sub nj times x sub j to the n plus one power.   GAGUT Singular Element.  Theorem Of  Everything.   Attending the GAGUT briefings is a GOD ORDER. GAGUT AGE OF INTELLIGENCE - HEAVEN ON EARTH NOW  click highlight link to see video   (Gij,j=0 of 1990, The New Juneteenth)  FORMULA'S HAVE TO BE CELEBRATED  GAGUT Gij,j=0 has been infallibly proven as the "Holy Grail Of Mathematics, aka " Theory Of Everything" with the Supreme Court of Mathematics - American Mathematical Society, number MR1455591 (98e:83007), why are there still statements saying anything is "unsolve

Marcus Garvey's prophesy - A Mighty Race, confirmed by GAGUT Gij,j-0 and IQ equal Infinity.

Gij,j-0 History of "Mightiest" people.   (click link to see video).  Understanding that "eta sub n" is a dilated form of  "n" which is the level of intelligence, eta sub n is g sub n j times x sub j to the power of n plus one, which is the formula that represents Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo's IQ quotient.   PARDON TIME, SIGNATURES TIME/ RESTITUTION TIME...  Ptah General Marcus Garvey stated a race of people as "Mighty Race" and in 1990 GOD ordained a Gullah/African/black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, with IQ equal infinity represented by the formula eta sub n equals g sub nj times x sub j to the power of n plus one, who stated in the above video link, that that race is the "Mightiest Race". The revelation of GAGUT Gij,j=0, now being in the "age of intelligence" where righteousness is the order of the day. So, signatures for a pardon and restitution/reparations for fraudulent unjustness' appears to be the least thing to do. Ea

Showing Value Of The Children through Investing! Check out the above article, much detail and insight to what transpired in 1990 right in our midst.   What is the wait for?, let the world see you celebrate, because the above article is stated candidly and well done.  We don't do less than others.   OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  1-631-242-3069.   Look what comes out of  GAGUT: the GAGUT gifted program, Longevity program, Therapy, Training, Briefings -subject of study is Immortality, solutions to all mathematical problems, GAGUT birthday celebrations, African International Foundation For Science And Technology, GAGUT Industrial Park - Research, Ancestor Farmer dynamics, etc., at OFAPPIT INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ONLINE. Call now, groups and/or group representative and/or individuals at 1-631-242-3069.    CLICK LINK TO SEE: GAGUT CHANGES THE WORLD AND WINS RIEMANN