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  GAGUT, Love takes you higher and higher! GAGUT, power takes you higher and higher! WHEN YOU SEE WITH GAGUTICAL EYES, ALL YOU NEED IS A "BLACKBOARD AND CHALK"!  CHING CHING , if you know what eye mean! PRAISE THE "REAL" GOD, GOD Almighty's Grand Unified Theorem GAGUT New Constitution for the Black Race and by extension the Human Race and all creatures. SEEING THE GEOMETRY OF IT ALL! African International Foundation For Science And Technology Prize Letter INVESTING IN THIS FORMULA IS THE WAY FORWARD FOR THE BLACK RACE. As a Registration Expert it gives dignity, respect, the highest paying job and saves lives in the process.  Start Immediately, ask John Glover about the GOD ORDER.  (Rah - Registration Expert).   WHEN YOU U...

What of Black people and GAGUT G2j solution to the Riemann Hypothesis?

  Let's talk about G2j solution, after the GOD ORDER. GOD ordained a(one) black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with infinity intelligence(knowledge) INFALLIBLY, the proof: Eta sub n = g sub nj * x sub j^n+1 power, GOD designed that "n" to be "infinity" for Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo, and since black people share his genes, GOD ordained the black people as the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable people, therefore the chosen people infallibly. GOOGLE GAGUT, HIT IMAGES TO CONNECT THE DOT'S (DOCUMENTS), lol. So, what now?, what does all this mean?  Below is a presentation by non other than the GREATEST GENIUS EVER CREATED BY GOD, any challenges call 1(631) 242-3069, no challenges and you share his genes, you are ordered to attend the GAGUT briefings to LEARN and use GAGUT to preserve life, your own and others. Go to to register.  Rah.  The real GOD bless you. G2j solu...

GAGUT Corona Virus Lifesaving And Riemann Hypothesis Briefing with the Greatest Mathematical Genius.

GAGUT say's YES WE CAN! GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (NICKNAMED GAGUT) AGE OF INTELLIGENCE IS LIFE AND HEAVEN WHILE IGNORANCE IS DEATH AND HELL. Gagutians,  you are ordered by God to attend the GAGUT Corona virus Lifesaver and Riemann Hypothesis Briefing to use the GAGUT infallible truth theorem for longevity, you were created to live.    GAGUT infallibly proved that all equations and all theorems originate out of one invariant Gi having orthogonal components Gij with divergence, Gij,j=0. God ordained a black man Prof. Gabriel A. Oyibo with the totality of all intelligence, represented by eta sub n equals g sub nj times X sub j to the n plus one power, God designed that n for professor Gabriel A. Oyibo to be infinity, and since black people share the same genes God ordained the black race to be the most intelligent, richest and undefeatable race. When this theorem was revealed, not one life was lost because of the humongous love God showed to his creation through ...


HAPPY 29th ANNIVERSARY GAGUT HAPPY 29th YEAR ANNIVERSARY   GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND UNIFIED THEOREM (GAGUT) has provided the best and highest paying job in history, one with dignity, self-respect and above all saving lives through use of infallible truth revealed by God to a black man Professor Gabriel A. Oyibo, don't delay, register today to start learning the infallible truth and join the team of GAGUT Registration Experts. Start today. Referred by Rah.  Hypnotic Brass Ensemble Instrumental sounds that make you move. A decleration by Prof. Krishendu dasgupta, subject: God's mission and dasgupta    Below is the African International Science And Technology Prize Letter, the greatest academic prize award ever. GAGUT Birthday Harriet Tubman. Thirteen (13) y...